Don’t be afraid of the mustard

November 15, 2018

I’m not gonna lie. I would have not bought these pants a few years ago.. I don’t even think I had anything of this color in my closet. I was afraid of the mustard. I wasn’t taking risks and honestly I was unhappy with the way I was dressing. This was when I was in college, by the way, because in high school I won “best dressed” award! Haha! Back then, I wanted to pursue a career in fashion and wear all the cool things. I wasn’t afraid of anything -much less a color! BUT, then, the boring closet phase hit my life, as I started college, and I wasn’t the same. I gained weight (the “freshmen 15”), and started looking like all the sorority girls… I was blending in. I don’t even have a real explanation for it, other than just trying to focus on school and not so much on my appearance. Then senior year of college, a lot changed and I started expanding my horizons. I started working out, which made me more confident about trying new styles. I got an Instagram account and started posting outfit pictures just for fun, and now here we are, exploring the world of fashion.

There is just something so cool about this color. It’s not bright yellow, but it gives a subtle pop to any outfit. I love pairing it with different prints and colors, and incorporating it into my fall wardrobe! I was excited about the material and fit of these pants. I immediately knew I’d be wearing them around town and even to work. They’re so versatile, I can see myself wearing them with sneakers as well!

I wore these pants with a turtleneck and booties. I would have paired it with a leopard jacket if it had been colder when I shot this! I wanted the outfit to be simple and for the pants to be the center of attention. Mainly for that reason, I stuck with my two favorite colors: white and black. Like I said earlier though, a print like cheetah would also pair nicely and not take away too much attention from the pants.

I’m happy to be adding pieces like these pants to my closet now. It has taken some time to figure out my style and how to pick the best pieces that fit my look, but I’m slowly getting there. If you’re ever feeling stuck, like I did (and still do sometimes), don’t give up. Figure out what colors you like and how they fit your style. Try different prints and accessories.. just don’t give up and don’t be afraid.. of the mustard.

Other Mustard Favorites:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

My Outfit details:

Pants | Turtleneck | Booties (similar)

As always, thank you for stopping by! Let me know what trends or colors you’re curious to try in the comments below!

ps. the pictures were taken by a very talented friend, Vanessa Chaves (@theretropenguin) <3 




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  • Reply Leaveittolupita November 15, 2018 at 5:26 am

    Loved the read .. I have also been afraid 😱 of using mustard since my skin tone is some what yellow lol 😂 .. but I do love that mustard jacket 🧥 .. I bought myself some 👢 timberlands high heels mustard color lol and I am having a hard time parting them up with something different than my white , black , or purple shirt lol 😂

  • Reply Cynthia Rojas November 15, 2018 at 6:05 am

    Haha omg I’m glad I’m not the only one! Maybe try pairing it with some prints? Other colors are tricky! Haha or even some metallics would look cool!

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